

General Hospital's Amanda Setton Has An Amazing Transformation!

Amanda Setton (Brook Lynn Quartermaine, General Hospital) is showing her fabulous transformation. 

Graham Mitchell, her sports and fitness instructor shared a picture on his Instagram displaying her transformation where she lost 35 pounds. 

He wrote the following: 

And the Transformation award goes to…

What a special night it was for my client and good friends Amanda and her husband Ryan, a good friend of mine since middle school! Words cannot explain how proud I am of both of them.

After having her third child (all of whom she nursed the old school natural way), Amanda, an accomplished actress, proud mother/wife and devout Kosher woman, decided it was time to focus on HER health and well-being (after all, the best way to show up for your family is to be at your best).

We devised a plan that would get aggressive results, yet provide a sustainable foundation for longevity both in practicality AND to avoid burnout.

3 and half months later, 35 lbs AND over 10%
body fat lost, PLUS, drastically improved energy levels and blood markers (LDL cholesterol
🔻60 points and triglycerides 🔻 almost 30), Amanda and Ryan showed up at the Grammys to celebrate their friend John Batiste (who’s album Ry Ry co-executive produced) and it wound up winning Album of the freaking year! Much respect to John as well who is breaking molds and setting trends as a unique human being and artist.

If this journey isn’t an example that when you set clear goals, put your mind, body and soul into it (as well as investing your time and money) you can TRULY achieve it, than idk what is.

👉🏽 favorite part of the night: Amanda text me the pic while still at the Grammy’s just to say: “And I’m not done yet”

I freakin LOVE IT!

The work is done behind the scenes, and when it comes into the light, sure, everyone will see. It’s an inspiration even for myself and my own journey that our silent work will be heard soon enough. Stay tuned!

⭐️p.s. Now ask yourself…

👉🏽 What can 3 months with right program/guidance do for you??

⚠️If you’re done being a bystander and want to see how far this type of commitment/program can take you, comment the word TRANSFORMATION and I will DM you my “3-MOST essential ingredients” for achieving this type of physique transformation. 


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